ASCA Annual General Meeting 2024
Our upcoming Annual General Meeting which will be held online on Wednesday 18th December 2024, 4:30 - 5:30pm (AEST).
Our upcoming Annual General Meeting which will be held online on Wednesday 18th December 2024, 4:30 - 5:30pm (AEST).
Join industry leaders, professionals, and innovators as we converge to explore the latest trends, technologies, and strategies shaping our communities.
General Meeting for ASCA members to update the Model Rules
On the 22 October, Nathaniel will be joined by Michael Whereat for episode 3 of the webinar series.
On the 3 September, Nathaniel will be joined by Laura Pfiester and Gemma Baxter from the City of Melbourne for episode 2 of the webinar series. Join us for a fascinating look behind the scenes of one of Australia’s leading smart city practices.
The In Conversation series will explore challenges associated with each step in the journey: From getting started, to building momentum, to leveraging investment to ensure the longevity of your program.
Our May Webinar we will be joined by John Krnel (Executive Manager Government Solutions) and Jonathon Reay (Senior Product Manager Smart Connections) for a discussion on how the @nbn network is evolving and extending outside the built environment, to enable applications of IoT and Smart Places with high speed, low latency fibre-optic cable.
Our April Webinar, will be hosted by Brook Dixon, Managing Director at Delos Delta, former ASCA President, and long-term ASCA member. Brook's observation: smart city leaders and winners invest in ‘maturity’, building holistic organisational and eco-system capacity and capability to ensure activity and impact over the long-term.
To kick off our Webinar Series for 2024, we will be hearing from Peter Ruchie, Natural Hazards and Smart Cities Theme Lead at NSW Smart Sensing Network.
This year's ASCA Annual General Meeting will be held online at 4:30pm (AEST) on Wednesday 6th December 2023. 2024 Board Member nominations are now open.
The webinar will discuss how Christchurch has learnt from a decade of fire, floods and earthquakes to make our Community more resilient and ready for an uncertain future.
The webinar to discuss the role of parks and how they are forever changing and how there is a disconnect between the aspirations of smart cities, and where you can physically install technology within parks.
The webinar will provide valuable insights into developing strong business cases for urban technology projects, learn strategies to avoid vendor lock-in, and discover how to streamline implementation processes for improved outcomes, all from a tech-agnostic perspective.
Join ASCA and the City of Greater Geelong’s Smart City Team for an in-person study tour, workshop and networking event on the afternoon of Thursday, 15 June 2023.
Learn about the award winning data art project that is bringing smart city movement data alive for the City of Casey Community.
Explore how Smart Data is being utilised to help plan and report back on economic development initiaties such as events and activations.
In this presentation Jason Dean, Data Analyst with Glenelg Shire Council, will share how the creation of a Smart City Framework helped shape the ongoing development and understanding of Smart City within the Shire as well as the lessons learned.
The ASCA 2022 Annual General Meeting will be held online at 4:30pm AEST on Tuesday 6 December.
2023 Board Member nominations are also now open.
If you would like to nominate 2023 Board members, please complete the form below and return to President Laura Baker by 5pm 25 November at laura.baker@australiansmartcommunities.org.au
The online video link will be sent prior to the meeting. If you would like to RSVP to ensure you receive the link, please send an email to communications@australiansmartcommunities.org.au
This meeting is for members only.
This unique, in person session is hosted by the Australian Smart Communities Association and the NSW Smart Places Acceleration Program. The tour will explore how bold new smart community initiatives are playing out in the real world.
The tour will kick off on Thursday 10 November at 3:30pm at Sydney Olympic Park.
Hear from leaders from Sydney Olympic Park, and the NSW Smart Places Acceleration Program as you stroll through the Park to see initiatives that make Sydney Olympic Park a successful and market-leading smart place. Gain firsthand, eye-opening insights into:
How smart technology is being embedded into spaces
Ways to leverage technology to improve a community experience, including efficient and effective use of data, sensors, and communication technology
Integrating sustainability outcomes using smart technology
Many other unique features found in Sydney Olympic Park that could be used in other smart community projects
This is running in conjunction with the Smart Communities Summit 2022. Registrations to this study tour are possible even without attendance to the rest of the Local Government Show but spots are limited. Register today!
The Australian Smart Communities Association is excited to be hosting another Smart City Showcase Study Tour! This time we are working with Local Government Information Technology in the City of Stonnington within Victoria.
Join us on Wednesday 9 NovemberJoin us on Wednesday 9th November at Chapel off Chapel to explore smart city initiatives implemented in the area that improve community facilities, smart benches, skate park activity monitoring, Chapel Street traffic monitoring and more.
Following the tour we will then head to Chapel off Chapel for a series of short presentations followed by fingerfood and a chance to network with like minded people.
This is a FREE Event for Smart City professionals hosted by ASCA in partnership with Stonnington City Council. Register now at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/city-of-stonnington-smart-city-showcase-study-tour-tickets-438742589897
The Australian Smart Communities Association is excited to be hosting another Smart City Showcase Study Tour! This time we are working with Local Government Information Technology South Australia and heading to the City of Unley within South Australia.
Join us on Thursday 15 September at Heywood Park and journey up King William Road to see how smart city solutions have been implemented in the area to improve community facilities. We will then head to He said She said Café for coffees and a chance to network.
This will be a great afternoon out exploring the City of Unley with like-minded people!
This event is open to everyone, but as always, ASCA members get priority access. Register now at Smart Community Study Tour - City of Unley (office.com)
ASCA members are invited to join ASCA Board Member, James Sankar to discuss risks and issues affecting Australian smart cities and communities today.
ASCA recognises the value of Smart City technology solutions but there are residual risks to consider to ensure promised benefits including suitable controls to deliver securely sustainable, and scalable solutions.
James wrote a thought leadership piece earlier this year highlighting 7 steps to mitigate risks in smart communities. You can read it here.
The session will provide an in depth view of the 7 steps, as well as an opportunity for members to ask questions and share their experiences.
This is a great webinar for those starting out their smart community program as well as those who have experienced some of the risks and are looking for ways to future proof their programs.
NOTE: This is an ASCA member only event
About James
James has decades of experience in reviewing, publishing and testing business continuity and disaster recovery plans and will share details of how universities are investing in risk mitigation and resilience-building activities and how good practice can benefit other sectors such as local government. James is also the Chair of the National Smart City Systems Committee for Standards Australia, he’ll share insights on international standards work and how local government can help to shape this work into the future.
Join Board member James Sankar as he does a deep dive into the thought piece he released in May 2022.
Check out James thought article here and register today.
ASCA is partnering with My Smart Community to be part of the Smart Community Podcast Panel: Australian Local Government Webinar.
On Wednesday 8 June, ASCA President Laura Baker and Board member Nathaniel Mason will be on the panel alongside a number of other smart community experts from Australian local and state governments. They will be discussing how to move beyond the 'smart city pilot' and embed the smart community approach holistically across departments and agencies.
Spots are limited for this webinar, but we have ensured ASCA members are getting priority access to sign up! Register now here. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7jKP3bB2RKiz_SDlX6ifNQ
If you are interested in attending, we also ask that you answer this short 3 min survey so we can share the great things happening in our ASCA community!
The City of Maribyrnong will be hosting a study tour and networking event on Wednesday 1 June.
Join ASCA with Maribyrnong City Council on a guided walking tour of Footscray CBD that will showcase some of their smart city initiatives as well as a visit to Victoria University campus where students have been gathering and utilising the smart city data.
Following the tour, there is the opportunity to join like minded smart city professionals for some relaxed evening drinks, refreshments, and networking.
Bookings for both of these events are essential, sign up now here. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/australian-smart-communities-smart-city-showcase-study-tour-networking-tickets-336883657087
Australian Smart Communities Association 2022 Board Meeting
Please reach out if you have anything to bring to the Board’s attention via admin@australiansmartcommunities.org.au
Join ASCA Board Members as we discuss challenges, opportunities and share insights about how to drive effective smart community governance.
Ensuring effective governance for smart city programs is one of the most important factors that will either accelerate or kill the program. At ASCA, we often hear from our members how difficult it can be to create and maintain the governance structures in Organisations.
This lunchtime forum is an opportunity to hear from one of Australia's most experienced smart community Government leaders, Adam Mowlam (Vice President of ASCA) as we discuss what effective governance looks like and how to implement it to ensure better smart community outcomes.
There will be lots of time for questions, insights sharing, and hearing stories from other ASCA board members.
This event is open to everyone and we encourage our local government members, friends, and interested groups to attend.
Check out Vice President Dr. Adam Mowlam’s thought piece article and register today.
Australian Smart Communities Association 2022 Board Meeting
Please reach out if you have anything to bring to the Board’s attention via admin@australiansmartcommunities.org.au
Australian Smart Communities Association 2022 Board Meeting
Please reach out if you have anything to bring to the Board’s attention via admin@australiansmartcommunities.org.au
The Smart Cities Conference and the Australian Smart Communities Association (ASCA) have announced their partnership for the 2020 event.
ASCA empowers liveable, sustainable, workable smart communities, with citizens, local businesses and stakeholders at the core of its activities.
Having started as a collaborative coalition of local government, Regional Development Associations (RDAs) and Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs), ASCA has established itself as the peak industry association in Australia for the rapidly developing digital, sharing and interconnected communities.
Smart Cities is a two-day event that brings together the pillars of our cities – representatives from government and the buildings, roads, transport and utilities industries – to educate delegates on the latest developments that are improving the ways our cities, towns and suburbs operate.
The inaugural Smart Cities Conference was held in May 2019 and featured a line up of industry experts including:
President Obama’s former Smart Cities Advisor and Executive Director of Smart Cities Lab, Mark Dowd
Peter Colacino, Executive Director, Policy and Research at Infrastructure Australia
Michelle Price, Chief Executive Officer at AustCyber
Professor Mark Burry AO FTSE AIA, Founding Director of the Smart Cities Research Institute
Dr Adam Mowlam, Manager, Smart City Office at Wyndham City Council
Lucinda Hartley, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Neighbourlytics; and
Vi Le, Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Standards Australia
Among many others.
This new partnership will see the two organisations working together on next year’s event, bringing industry knowledge and experience to make the 2020 conference even bigger.
Smart Cities 2020 will run from 28-29 May in Melbourne. Speakers and the full program will be announced in the coming months.
Sign up here to be the first to know of any event announcements.