Smart City Expo World Congress 2024 Partnership
ASCA is an official event partner with the Smart City Expo World Congress to be held 5 - 7 November in Barcelona, Spain.
To submit your listing please contact us.
ASCA is an official event partner with the Smart City Expo World Congress to be held 5 - 7 November in Barcelona, Spain.
On 15 August, hear more about these bold and brave tech-based ideas in-person in Fishermans Bend or online via a livestream; Melbourne EcoSound Initiative by FutureLabs, Upsoil Collective by Zoe Wang and Mia Mias Micro Materials Bank by Commune and Co / Cirque du Soil.
Drawing on our smart tech work around the globe, our long-term member and supporter of ASCA, Delos Delta are hosting a masterclass at the Darwin Innovation Hub on Tuesday, 16 April 2024 from 8:45-11:00am.
CSIRO, Celestino Developments and Western Sydney University are supporting the NSW Smart Sensing Network to deliver the Sensing the West Forum in Paramatta on March 13.
Join the Smart Places and Cities Revitalisation and Place teams at the next SmartNSW Masterclass on Thursday 16 November 2023. Hear how great public spaces encourage us to stay, connect, play and participate, generating vibrant, inclusive communities where people can get outside and get active.
Regional Development Australia are celebrating the digital success of Australia’s regions at their upcoming Summit, to be held on the 25th of August, in Bendigo, Victoria.
Following the success of the first SmartNSW Masterclass, the Smart Places team are excited to invite you to the next instalment: Smart places for all: Bridging the Digital Divide.
The Smart Places team at Transport for NSW has been working on increasing wider understanding and uptake of place-based smart technologies across NSW.
City Futures Research Centre, UNSW is excited to announce we are hosting the 7th Smart Data Smart Cities and 17th 3D GeoInfo Joint International Conference.
This year, the 7th SDSC and 17th 3D GeoInfo Conference will be jointly held at UNSW Sydney Kensington in Sydney, Australia between 18th -21st October, 2022. This is the first time the SDSC has come to Australia, and in fact the Southern Hemisphere. It is the second time 3D GeoInfo has been organised in Australia. This joint event will be organised by City Futures Research Centre, Smart Cities and Infrastructure Cluster and Geospatial Research Innovation Development at UNSW Sydney.
The Smart Data and Smart Cities (SDSC) is an annual international conference that brings together international experts in city analytics, GIS, digital twins, smart cities and data science from leading research institutes to discuss advances in methods and applications. It provides a forum to discuss the use data and technology to plan and shape our future cities. SDSC is the annual conference of the Urban Data Management Society, a society over 40 years old.
3D GeoInfo is an annual international conference that provides a forum for decision-makers, professionals, academia, data providers and vendors in the field of 3D geoinformation focussing on theoretical, standardisation, technical, implementation and application issues in different disciplines. 3D Geoinfo has been organised since 2006 in different parts of the world.
ASCA Members can receive a 10% discount code. please email communications@australiansmartcommunities.org.au
It is with great excitement that the Smart Places team will launch the second NSW Smart City Innovation Challenge!
Following the success of the first Innovation Challenge, the NSW Gov are calling on start-up and scale up organisations to help us understand:
How might we use technology to help make public spaces feel safer and more comfortable for women and girls?
Details on the challenge:
Applications will be open until 5pm on 28 September 2022.
Solutions that best meet the challenge question and criteria will be invited to take part in a staged development process, which will involve pitching, co-designing and implementing the idea. Up to $1 million is available to help deploy successful pilots.
There is more information on our Safer Public Spaces for Women and Girls challenge on the NSW Gov website.
We need your help to spread the word
We have prepared and attached:
· copy for your newsletters
· graphics for you to use in support of your communications.
Interested applicants can register their interest to attend a market briefing on 12 September in person or online through the registration form. There are only limited spots to attend in person, so you’re encouraged to book fast. Applications close 28 September 2022.
We ask that you take a moment to support our program so the best and brightest stars of the emerging technologies sector take part.
To know more about Smart City Innovation Challenges, visit our website, or contact me on smartplaces@planning.nsw.gov.au if you have any questions.
Organized by the Smart Grid Observer, the 4th Annual Smart Cities International Symposium & Exhibition, January 21-22, 2020 in Chicago brings together thought leaders and practitioners from around the world to explore the most recent technology advances, business models, and lessons learned to date in making the Smart City a reality. Expert speakers will examine the experiences of municipal governments who are pushing the envelope and moving toward actual implementation of the Smart City vision. The emphasis is on implementation strategy, case studies, best practices, and the development of compelling business models for transitioning to the 21st Century Smart City.
Topics to be addressed include:
Leveraging the smart energy grid for other municipal applications
Smart lighting advances, platforms and business models
Smart transportation and parking
Environmental monitoring and waste management
IoT applications and communications networks for enabling the Smarter City
Learning from the leaders: key smart city developments around the world
Market trends and growth drivers: challenges and opportunities
Phased, cost-effective approaches: efficiency measures that can fund additional steps
Building a culture of performance via data analytics and benchmarking
Enhancing sustainability, accessibility and livability
Key emerging technologies and applications
And more
ASCA Members receive 15% discount on registrations
For more information, please visit http://www.smartcities-symposium.com/
IoT impact is the only Australian IoT conference driven by the industry. IoT Alliance Australia is the peak industry body representing IoT in Australia. The content of this conference has been carefully crafted from experts who are designing and implementing IoT in their industry.
IoT Impact is on 15th and 16th October 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Sydney.
ASCA Members can get 10% off the standard connect ticket price using the code AUSMART
Visit the website to book
Improving Liveability Through Lighting
Returning for the 7th year, the 2019 Australian Smart Lighting Summit will showcase smart lighting initiatives from across the industry bringing participants the latest developments on urban, outdoor, public and street lighting. Annually attracting upwards of 200 attendees, this year's summit will host over 35 Australian and internationally based experts who will present on the shifting face of the lighting industry.
Held on the 28th - 29th of August at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, this year's event will highlight the importance of smart lighting within an advancing city. Presentations will reflect the shifting nature of the lighting industry, touching on topics related to connected street lighting fixtures including the implementation of smart lighting within councils, the necessity and application of cyber security procedures and smart street lighting initiatives.
Participating in this distinguished event allows attendees an unparalleled opportunity to engage in networking events with industry experts, whilst simultaneously exploring the latest and most innovative lighting technologies being exhibited for the duration of the summit.
With keynote presentations covering intuitive lighting fixtures, expansive case studies and the ever-changing environment of urban, public, outdoor and street lighting, the 7th Annual Australian Smart Lighting Summit is a must-see event.
Breaking new ground in the built environment
The Transcend Tour brings global insights never seen before in Australia
This tour will change the way you think about the future of design architecture, engineering and construction. The Design Futures Council is bringing two global thought leaders who are transforming the impact our industry has on the world.
Vertically integrated technology led building design, manufacturing and delivery
Katerra is a technology company that offers optimisation of building design and construction. It provides end-to-end building services. The company's leadership are from some of the most groundbreaking companies in technology, manufacturing, design, and engineering. Launched in 2015 the company has raised over $1B, has 2101 staff, has a globally & vertically integrated supply chain, 5 factories, and 8 new products on the market.
Who are the people who will lead our industry through the coming transformation?
Superusers: Design Technology Specialists and the Future of Practice will help you identify who they are, the value they provide, and how you can attract and retain them, and become one; what career opportunities they have, what obstacles they face, and how to lead them.
Written by Randy Deutsch, a well-known expert in the field, this is the first-ever guide to help current and future design professionals to succeed in the accelerating new world of work and technology.
Sydney July 2
Melbourne July 4
Brisbane July 5
Cities in the Sky: Transforming the Broader Urban Fabric
The more populated our cities become, the taller and more vertical grow the buildings housed within them. Traditional notions of skyscrapers being isolating, unimaginative structures are cast aside as we begin to embrace the potential of tall buildings not only aiding wellness and social interaction, but benefiting their surrounding cities – environmentally, socially, aesthetically, and importantly, for the future.
The 3rd Annual Australian Smart Skyscrapers Summit 2019 will provide a platform for leading architecture, engineering, construction and design experts to explore the latest trends, concepts and solutions related to future-proof high-rise design.
Contact 03 9545 0360 for more information
The City Makers’ Guild is a collective of passionate urbanists who view development as a craft, not a commodity, calling for more equitable, meaningful and sustainable cities.
The National Clean Technologies Conference (also known by some as Cleantech) is a new nationally focussed two day clean technologies conference plus workshop program and exhibition that will encompass all clean technology growth areas including energy, waste, water, built environment and transport
Find out more here.
This annual event will bring together global and local smart city leaders to discuss "how-to" strategies and visions for smart, connected cities.
The inaugural iMOVE Transport of Tomorrow Symposium brings transport and mobility professionals together to go deep into the questions that matter for our contemporary transport systems … and find ways of working together to address them.
The primary focus of the conference is how we are transforming local government to serve and support communities in the digital era. Topics will include emerging technologies, AI, data ethics, business transformation, data governance, customer experience, smart cities, new and collaborative ways of working, digital access, equity and diversity – and navigating the massive cultural change that all this will bring. It will include rural, regional and metropolitan council case studies from across Australia.
Global smart city and digital transformation leader Joaquim Alvarez is coming to Australia in March 2019!
Proudly brought to you by Delos Delta, we are visiting cities around Australia for a turbocharged digital innovation masterclass.
This event is the first step for the Australian, NSW and local Government to engage the world’s technology sector in the co-development of infrastructure and public services for the people of Western Sydney.
The IoT Tech Expo Global will return to the heart of Silicon Valley in 2018 to host 12,000 attendees, 3 co-located events, 500+ industry leading speakers and 300 exhibitors. There are conference tracks dedicated to Smart Energy & Cities and Connected Transportation with C-Suite speakers sharing their knowledge and experiences.
The Congress gathers the most relevant experts and leaders of the world´s most innovative cities, companies, entrepreneurs, start-ups, research centers, initiatives and solutions, with strategies for a smarter and more sustainable urban world.
Smart Cities Week Australia inspires action and fosters networking across an emerging region. This experience will provide the tools, facilitate the dialogue, and build the opportunities that accelerate better, smarter cities.
Smart Cities Week Australia is not just facilitating the discussion, but incubating the action – from our intimate boardroom policy debates and experiential labs, to our marketplace breakfast and learning institute.
The Urban IoT Hack is a unique opportunity for local creative minds to address urban challenges (Vibrant City, LuminoCity, Circular City & Open Challenge within a #SoNewy theme) and engage in rapid prototyping of Newcastle IoT integrated solutions.
The 2nd Annual Smart Cities Series, in partnership with KPMG, and supported by the Australian Smart Communities Association and Smart Cities Council ANZ, will address the challenges faced by our cities and regions, and look to build effective governance frameworks to deal with the changes that we will experience with new operating models and technologies.
The Summit will bring participants the latest news on urban, street, public and outdoor lighting from across the industry. Annually attracting over 150 delegates, this year’s summit will provide over 35 Australian and international-based speakers the platform to present on and discuss the technological innovations, long-term sustainability and implementation surrounding exterior lighting.
IoT Impact is a two-day learning campus for Australia business executives – to understand and plan for the impact of the Internet of Things in Australia.
The 6th Australian Intelligent Transport Systems Summit 2018 that will bring together 450+ Australian and international executives from the emerging transport technology sector over 2 days to share information, learn, do business and network.